Odor control and scenting for healthcare settings

Healthcare settings

Using odor control throughout healthcare settings has been known to improve patients’ moods and have a positive effect on the level of cleanliness, facility quality and personal wellbeing of patients. Hospitals and healthcare facilities can create a relaxing environment for customers and patients by implementing scenting and odor control.

How odors affect the hospital experience

Many people remember the smell of a hospital and it isn’t uncommon for this memory to be one of a negative experience – after all, people generally don’t go to the hospital for good reason! Smell is a sense that can instantly take you back to a time and place and can set the tone for negative experiences.

By using odor control systems and scent systems in hospitals, doctor offices, medical centers and rehabilitation centers, it can help to positively impact the facility’s reputation, increasing customer satisfaction and repeat visits.

Why scenting should be used in healthcare settings

Cleanliness is an overwhelming factor when it comes to identifying the quality of a hospital and the overall experience that a patient has whilst being treated. Proper odor management and scenting systems can provide a range of benefits for healthcare settings, such as:

  • Pain reduction
  • Stress reduction
  • Motivated medical staff
  • Positive attitude from patients
  • Encouragement of higher quality diagnostic testing

Hospitals are not the only healthcare setting that can benefit from scent and odor control systems. There are a range of facilities that can gain from using these services, such as:

  • Medical & clinical offices
  • Blood banks
  • Hospices
  • Rehabilitation centers
  • Mental health centers
  • Surgical facilities

Odor control systems

Sometimes hospitals and healthcare settings can become overwhelmed with unappealing odors and stale scents. We know these odors can create an unpleasant experience for patients, visitors, and healthcare employees.

Sometimes just covering the unpleasant odors with scent can cause make these worse and end up not working as efficiently. By using an odor controlling system such as the Vectair Airsan™ Ozone Generator, it can help to refresh the atmosphere and bring the freshness of the outdoors, indoors.

Not only does the Vectair Airsan™ Ozone Generator help to neutralize bad odors in the air, but it can also clean the air due to the low levels of ozone. With multiple illnesses and viruses floating around the air of hospital and healthcare settings, a system that helps to clean and rejuvenate the air in the environment is essential.

Vectair Airsan™ Ozone Generator - Hospital - healthcare settings

Scenting systems for healthcare settings

Now that the bad odors have been effectively eliminated, there are a range of scent diffusers that are perfect to subtly enhance the atmosphere of healthcare settings. Below are two Vectair scent diffusers that can be used in hospital hallways, rehabilitation rooms and other healthcare settings.

  • SensaMist® Scent Diffuser S1000 – The SensaMist® Scent Diffuser S1000 is sleek, professional and can be positioned high on walls out of the patients’ eyeline. The virtually silent scent system diffuses a fine mist of fragrance (non-aerosol) to subtly improve the ambiance. (Coverage – up to 35314 cubic feet)
  • SensaMist® Scent Diffuser S100 – The SensaMist® Scent Diffuser S100 is a perfect system for smaller areas and rooms in healthcare settings that need lightly scenting. Offering maximized concentration and performance, this virtually silent scent diffuser could be placed high up on walls out of the visitors and patients’ eyeline. (Coverage – 10590 cubic feet)

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