Hand Gel Rubs Need To Contain Alcohol – WHO Confirms

Hand Gel Rubs

Hand gel rubs should contain at least 60% alochol, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). With our children returning to school in the coming days – and already back in Scotland –  and more businesses heading back to the workplace, it is clear to see that the country is slowly making its way back out into the real world. Now, we all know the COVID is still around and it has not gone anywhere, which is why it is super important to keep on top of hygiene.

One of the best ways to do that when out and about is using hand gels or hand sanitisers.

But when looking for effective hand gel rubs, what is important?

In a recent report by Sky News, government guidance relating to hand gel changed quietly leading to  schools up and down the country ordering stock of thousands of bottles of alcohol free hand gel, which take up to two minutes to effectively kill coronavirus and are not as effective or efficient as hand gel containing alcohol.

A risky strategy, especially when trying to fight off a second wave.

Back at the start of Coronavirus, we started work on hand gel – and we worked hard, satisfying the requirements and meeting demand in both our European and North American markets!

Our Sanitex® XL Instant Hand Gel, Sanitex® XS Instant Hand Gel and Sanitex® Hand Gel Sachets ALL contain 70% alcohol, which is above the WHO guidance:

“Use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water and not available.”  – WHO guidance issued March 2020.

Hand Gel Rubs

However, since that guidance was issued, the UK government have not been as transparent with their messaging, with no clear guidelines for businesses, institutions and individuals to follow, leading to confusion and potential wasted stock and wasted money.

Using hand gel rubs that are below 60% alcohol, or indeed alcohol free, poses great risks; people thinking they are sanitised when they aren’t, not leaving the hand gel wet on their hands for long enough (alcohol free hand gel needs to be left on hands wet for two minutes) and potentially, further contamination.

At Vectair Systems, we are serious about hygiene and healthcare, which is why we made the decision to ensure all of our hand gel rubs had a higher alcohol content. With big XL bottles suitable for businesses and educational settings and smaller bottles and sachets for personal and on the go use, we strongly believe safety is the best policy.

Meanwhile, on April 11, 2019 the FDA issued their final rule and effectiveness of consumer hand sanitizers in North America. At this time the only approved active ingredients in a hand sanitizer are ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and benzalkonium chloride (BZK).

Find out more about COVID Care and our relevant hygiene products here.

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