As a supplier of the popular Babyminder® baby change table, we were interested to hear about Hollywood star Ashton Kutcher’s campaign (#bethechange) to provide better baby changing facilities for men in the USA.
The ‘Two and a Half Men’ star Ashton Kutcher has recently become a father and has been petitioning to stop gender stereotyping, asking stores like Target and Costco to provide universally accessible changing tables.
He says: “Almost all public changing tables are in women’s bathrooms, which makes it nearly impossible to find a table that’s accessible to dads. As crazy as it sounds, many stores don’t give dads the option to change their babies’ diapers.”
Both Costco and Target responded to Ashton’s petition, promising to install family-friendly baby changers in their stores from now into the future. You can see their comments here.
In the UK, we are lucky enough to have the Disabilities Act which ensures accessible WC and baby changing facilities. Often, men can find baby changing units in a ‘family room’ accessible to both men and women with children. This prompted us to go ‘baby change’ spotting to see if we could find any baby changing units accessible to men, and here’s what we found:
Baby change sign on the door of a men’s washroom in Marks and Spencer, Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, UK.
Vectair Babyminder® in the men’s toilets at John Lewis, Bala Lake Hotel, Snowdonia, UK.
Vectair Babyminder® in an accessible toilet in Harvey Nichols, London, UK.
Babyminder® provides parents with a safe, convenient and hygienic baby changing facility in away from home locations, and all Babyminder® tables are independently tested and approved to applicable global safety standards.