Urinal Screens
Elevate Experiences with Inviting Washrooms
Products that keep spaces tidy, clean, and smelling great
Urinal Screens

Harmonize with aircare for maximum impact
Urinal screens are a critical piece of the men's restroom experience, critical to maintaining the cleanliness and positive perception of the facility—in and out of the washroom. Vectair's screens harmonize with aircare programs to elevate the impact with coordinating fragrances.
Keeping Washrooms Tidy and Fresh-Smelling
An easy-to-implement solution, urinal screens provide benefits beyond fragrance.
Debris Capture
Screens capture debris keeping water flowing
Keeps Drains Clear
Enzyme blacks prevent uric acid build-up, keeping pipes flowing.
More Hygienic Experience
Screen with anti-microbial properties kill bacteria at the source
Range to Fit Your Needs
Wide range of screens tailored to meet a variety of needs
Urinal screens boost customer experience with a pleasant fragrance and cleaner environment.
Urinal Screens
Wide variety of screens to meet your needs
Our screens range from 30- to 60-day longevity and were developed with a variety of features and enhancements in mind, including specialty screens for waterless and trough style urinals.
Contact Us
Interested in learning more?
Reach out to us and we can help find the screen that is perfect for your space and complements your aircare program.